We are grateful to all the kind and strong women who have marched before us over the past 60 years. They paved the way for us to "promote friendship and goodwill among residents and visitors of the Keys, and to support local charities through fundraising"  since the days of our inception on the porch of the Big Pine Inn, in 1965.

We honor you all.

This page is dedicated to those who have passed before us, and left a beautiful legacy to look up to and uphold.

We are forever grateful, Ladies.

Erma Ford

Bernadette "Bernie" Becker

Claudette Getter

Norma MacDonald

Micheline Barre

Jean Curtis

Anne Parrish

Betty Balmer

Jill Baldridge

Joyce Revelli

Barbara Rodgers

Mary Moisher

Hilde Dimpflmaier

Hildy Nickler

Mary Lou Reid

Elizabeth West

Joan Sammy

Patricia Manosca Pannullo

We know this list is quite incomplete. If you know of a woman who was a member of the LKWC over the years, and would like their name added In Memoriam, please send to LKWCinfo@gmail.com.

We are accepting In Memoriam donations to the Club as well. These funds will be donated to the one charity that has been the heart and soul of our fundraising over the years, the College of the Florida Keys Nursing Program. To find out how to donate, please email LKWCinfo@gmail.com.


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