2025 Charities

  • Christina's Courage ~ Christina's Courage is a nonprofit whose mission is to support survivors of sexual assault in the Florida Keys. You can learn more about them HERE.

  • Kids Come First ~ Founded in 2009, Kids Come First is an organization dedicated to providing kids with the little extra their families are unable to afford. They provide items from school supplies and clothing, to hygiene necessities. Read more about their mission, and needs HERE.

  • College of the Florida Keys Nursing Scholarship ~ The LKWC founders first charitable contributions went to the CFK Nursing Scholarship, and we continue to support them today. You can learn about the nursing program HERE.

  • Critter Litters ~ This is our newest charity who care for and rehabilitate injured and orphaned wild mammals. Find them on Facebook HERE

  • St Peter's Food Pantry ~ Our local food pantry helps on average 500 men women and children every month! You can read more about their history and mission HERE.

  • Max's Angels ~ Max's Angels was created in honor of Max Thomas Scanlon, who died at his birth on October 10, 2019.  Max's parents, Cassi and Jed Scanlon, aim to address the immediate and long term support needs for Keys families following the loss of a child at any age. You can visit them on their Facebook page HERE.

  • Conch Republic Marine Army ~ The Conch Republic Marine Army “CRMA” was formed after hurricane Irma in 2017. They are cleaning and restoring the marine habitats of the Florida Keys, one boat of volunteers at a time! You can visit them HERE.

  • Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition ~ The Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition is Monroe County's organization serving families before, during, and after pregnancy. See all they do for Monroe County families HERE.

  • MSCO Animal Farm ~ Sheriff's Animal Farm in Key West is open 2nd and 4th Sundays, 1-3pm. The farm acts as a refuge for un-releasable wildlife and surrendered exotic pets, outreach for the Sheriff's Office, and an enrichment program for inmates.

  • Seacamp Association, Inc ~ Seacamp has been hosting kids camps for local, national, and international students since 1966! They offer day camps, overnight camps, and full 2 week sessions where kids can immerse in science and nature.

  • Trinity Without Borders (BPK Area Resource Center) ~ One of our newest Lower Keys charities, they provide clothing, resource guidance, clothing, whatever our local residents are in need of. They have a new thrift store, and are even starting to serve coffee and food to the community.


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